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Virtualization, Howto's, Tips, Reviews

Edge Get Rid of Discover Button in 4 ways
Edge get rid of discover button

I have been using Microsoft Edge for quite a while and like it. However, even though AI is cool and definitely going to revolutionize things, you may not care for the new Bing Button in the upper right corner of Bing. Not everyone finds this feature useful or convenient. This post will guide you on …

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Kubectl Port Forwarding: Easy Kubernetes Ports Access
Kubectl port forward for Easy Kubernetes Ports Access

Kubectl, a vital command-line tool for managing Kubernetes clusters, has many features to streamline operations and provide quick access to cluster resources. One powerful capability of the kubectl port forward command, allowing port forwarding from a local port to a port within a Kubernetes pod. This kubectl port forwarding command establishes a secure tunnel between …

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Resolve-DNSname: PowerShell DNS Lookup
Get DNSname PowerShell DNS lookup

It’s always DNS! Or is it? Well, we need the right tools to check DNS name resolution to find out for sure. “DNS” (Domain Name System) is arguably one of the most critical components of the Internet and modern networks in general. Let’s explore DNS in-depth, focusing primarily on the Resolve-DnsName PowerShell cmdlet—a powerful tool …

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Cameyo for Cloud Workers: Secure Remote Worker
Cameyo introduces Cameyo for Cloud Workers

I have been following Cameyo Virtual Application Delivery (VAD) for a few years now, and they continue to impress and deliver for customers. In the space of end-user computing and hybrid cloud access, they continue to innovate and deliver what organizations need. Today they made an exciting announcement: Cameyo for Cloud Workers. Let’s dive into …

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Top Open Source Firewalls in 2023
Top Open Source Firewalls in 2023 4

A key part of any secure network is the firewall. I have been running open-source firewalls in the lab and other environments for years now. This post delves into my picks for the top open-source firewalls in 2023. We will examine each firewall’s key features and discuss how they might cater to your unique needs. …

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vSphere Update Manager: Switch to vSphere Lifecycle Manager
vSphere Update Manager vs vSphere Lifecycle Manager

Keeping your ESXi hosts and virtual machines updated and in sync is essential for a healthy and secure VMware virtual environment. Traditionally, this task has been handled by the vSphere Update Manager (VUM), a powerful tool that has served us well. However, VMware has introduced an evolved version management system – the vSphere Lifecycle Manager …

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pfSense Plus vs CE: Complete Comparison
pfSense Plus vs pfSense CE

Netgate, the company behind pfSense CE, announced pfSense Plus in 2021, a new version of its popular open-source firewall and router software based on FreeBSD. If you want to run pfSense CE on your own hardware, users can now choose Community Edition (CE) or Plus. Let’s look at pfSense Plus vs CE, providing a comprehensive …

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TinyPilot: Raspberry Pi KVM over IP Solution Review
TinyPilot Raspberry Pi KVM

In remote server management, the KVM over IP solution has always been a go-to for professionals worldwide. Among these solutions, the TinyPilot Voyager has been making waves due to its compact design, high performance, and value for money. This blog post will overview the TinyPilot Voyager 2a, a Raspberry Pi 4-based KVM over IP device, …

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Authelia: Open source SSO and MFA in Docker
Authelia Docker Compose Install and 2FA Setup

If you are looking at securing your home lab or other environment, two-factor authentication is the way to go. However, is there a way to self-host your two-factor authentication and SSO technologies? Yes, there is! I want to introduce you to a solution called Authelia that allows you to self-host your authentication solution, and it …

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Commvault Announces New Security Capabilities including Cloud Command and Threat Scan

In an evolving cybersecurity landscape, Commvault, a global leader in enterprise data protection, has launched advanced security features across its portfolio. The company has strategically expanded its security ecosystem, establishing deep product integrations with prominent players like Microsoft and CyberArk. This bold step marks a new phase in Commvault’s evolution, aimed at helping businesses secure, …

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