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RSS Channel: Comments for Fresh Virtuals
Virtualization, Howto's, Tips, Reviews

Comment on Windows Server 2019 RD Web Access Configuration by Test Permissions of Another User to a Folder or File
[…] feeling about things than simply relying on what I see in the ACLs configured and showing on a Windows Server for a particular […]

Comment on Monitoring and Troubleshooting VMware Horizon 7 Virtual Desktop Infrastructure VDI with ControlUp 8.1 by How is security enhanced with VDI solutions?
[…] the case of VMware Horizon desktops, the data accessed by the VDI desktops will be located in the data center, and the user […]

Comment on GNS3 2.0 released new features by Brandon Lee
In reply to <a href="https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2017/05/gns3-2-0-released-new-features/#comment-7622">Mark Blackwell</a>. Mark, thanks so much! Will do. I echo the thoughts of all when I say we really appreciate all you guys have done and continue to do for the community in providing such a great tool for both learning and production labs. Thanks again!

Comment on GNS3 2.0 released new features by Mark Blackwell
Really appreciate the support Brandon - let us know if there is anything we can ever do to help you out with GNS3.

Comment on Windows 10 Edge can’t be opened using the built-in administrator account by ????? ???µa
In reply to <a href="https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2015/07/windows-10-edge-opened-builtin-administrator-account/#comment-7588">Elliander Eldridge</a>. Not correct, after initial setup there should be two administrator accounts in your windows 10 PC. During a new installation of Win10 you will be asked to create an account. That account is by design an "administrator" account. There is also a user profile (account) called "Administrator" that pre-exists the one you created but it is not enabled by default. The first thing you should after logging in with your new account is go to computer/manage/users and enable and assign a password to the default Administrator account.

Comment on Viewing and killing TCP IP connections Windows by Tim
Microsoft Message Analyzer 1.0 is no longer available on MS' website

Comment on VMware VCSA 6.5 error code 42500 joining Active Directory domain by wilbo456
Many thanks for this Brandon. I had exactly the same problem with the GUI and cli fixed it straight away.

Comment on USB 3.0 thumb drive not showing in VMware Workstation by Krammig
Workstation 12.5.5 and Windows 7 x64 and still cannot read a USB 3.0 stick. I have tried drivers, and an array of suggestions on the web. Attaching the device say USB 3 is disconnecting from the Host and connecting, it even shows Scandisk USB 3 however it is not recognized in Explorer. I do not believe this to be a driver issue as they are all up to date.

Comment on VIRL vs GNS3 vs Packet Tracer which one by jsicuran
Virl is still semi prime time, just above garbage level at this point.

Comment on Sophos UTM vs Untangle by sean
I totally agree on the sophos points in a business environment that is not so dynamic I would suggest and standby Sophos and its Implicit Deny rules out of the box but in a home network this type of policy can be a big pain in the butt think if you want to use a program that uses a port that you haven't setup a rule for you have to go on a hunt to find out whats the issue I think for a home network with many dynamic things Untangle is better than Sophos but in the business a permit all mentality is a no no