Hyper-V Archives - Fresh Virtuals
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Virtualization, Howto's, Tips, Reviews

How To Install Pi-Hole on Hyper-V with Debian

Pi-hole is open-source software that acts as a network-wide ad blocker, protecting your privacy and speeding up your internet connection. It intercepts DNS requests and blocks ads, trackers, and malicious websites. With Pihole, you can block ads on all devices connected to your network, including computers, smartphones, and smart TVs. Hyper-V is a virtualization technology …

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Hyper-V Web Client download for Free

Hyper-V is a great virtualization platform allowing organizations to run virtual machines, including Windows Server and Linux, and experience the benefit of containerized workloads with Hyper-V isolated Docker containers. Managing Hyper-V has always been a challenge with the legacy tools for managing Hyper-V Server. Today’s management tools are web-driven and accessible from anywhere, even using …

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Hyper-V Cluster iSCSI Storage Using StarWind Free SAN & NAS
Installation is completed successfully for StarWind SAN NAS

Creating a Hyper-V Cluster iSCSI storage is one of the ways you can have traditional shared storage for a Hyper-V cluster in your environment. I want to introduce you to a free solution that you can use for your Hyper-V lab environment or for other use cases to quickly create Hyper-V cluster iSCSI storage. It …

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Is Hyper-V Server 2022 Released for Download?
Is Hyper V Server released for download

If you are like me, after the official release of Windows Server 2022, you may have been wondering about the story on Hyper-V Server 2022. Where is it? Why haven’t we really heard anything about it? Is Hyper-V Server 2022 Released for Download? Well, it turns out, there is a good reason why we haven’t …

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Hyper-V Critical remote code execution vulnerability in May 2021 patch Tuesday
Using powershell to patch hyper v critical remote code vulnerability

The past few months from a security perspective have been a roller coaster of zero-day vulnerabilities and critical patches that have been needed to patch serious issues found across a wide range of Microsoft products and solutions. This has notably included Microsoft Exchange Server and others. The latest patch Tuesday from Microsoft contains some 55 …

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Install Docker in Windows Server 2019

Want to play around with Windows Server Docker Containers? This is easy to do with only a few steps on a Windows Server 2019 host. Additionally, you may want to do more than play around. You may have a containerized application you want to deploy and run on a Windows Server container host. This post …

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Hyper-V Server 2019 Windows Admin Center Management

Starting in Windows Server 2019, Microsoft has made it clear that the way forward for managing Windows Server 2019 and future Windows versions will be the new Windows Admin Center (WAC) management tool. Windows Admin Center provides a new management dashboard that replaces the now aging Server Manager tool that is found in Windows Server …

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Hyper-V Failed to Change State Error Fix

If you have ran Hyper-V for any length of time, you know that encountering an issue that prevents you from starting your virtual machines is a “show stopper”. There is an error in particular that can prevent your Hyper-V VMs from starting with an error message of “failed to change state”. What is this error …

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Hyper-V Roadmap of Upcoming Features

If you are like me and just getting to digest some of the content from the recent Microsoft Ignite conference, there are several sessions that caught my attention. One of the sessions detailed what’s next with Hyper-V. In that session, there were several points to note concerning the Hyper-V roadmap upcoming features to look for …

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Monitoring Hyper-V Performance with Server Performance Advisor

When working with virtualization platforms, monitoring gathering information concerning performance is a necessary part of keeping an eye on key performance indicators in the environment. When working with Microsoft Hyper-V as a virtualization platform, there are a lot of third party tools out there that can gather performance information from Hyper-V environments. However, there is …

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