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Neofetch: Displaying Beautiful System Information in Your Terminal
Neofetch Linux System Information

Welcome to a deep dive into the world of Neofetch. If you have not heard about it before, it is a system information tool that has made quite a name for itself in the tech community. This CLI system information tool is a favorite among users looking to fetch and display their operating system and …

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Create a Linux Service Monitoring Script
Simulating a failure and running the check monitoring script

You may have mission-critical workloads running on Linux Server such as Nginx that you want to monitor to ensure the service is healthy. Using a Bash script, we can easily create a piece of script code that can monitor a Linux service and then use CRON to run the script on a specified interval to …

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Ubuntu Server CLI Cheat Sheet
Ubuntu server cli cheat sheet

One of the beautiful things about Linux is the power of the Linux CLI. This is what draws many to Linux to begin with. Granted, Windows has come a long way since the introduction of PowerShell, and now especially with PowerShell Core that is cross-platform. Many can argue that Windows may be on par with …

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Installing and Configuring Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS

I have been starting to spin up a few new little Linux appliances for the home lab to service a few one off services and utilities. Typically for these types of purposes, I have utilized Ubuntu Server as my “go to” Linux distro of choice. Ubuntu is a tried and true, well tested and seasoned …

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Install all updates besides select few Ubuntu Server

Recently, in working on updating an Ubuntu server for a client that was running a customized version of Nginx compiled with Google Pagespeed and other mods, we wanted to install all the updates besides any that touched Nginx as we did not want any changes to Nginx to be implemented on the server.  The client …

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Linux redirected output not showing in file

Recently, when working with Nginx, I wanted to export out the details of my Nginx build so I could see all modules the webserver was compiled with.  However, each time I tried to redirect the output of the nginx -V command, the linux redirected output not showing in the file.  I would see the command output on …

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Clonezilla not finding network card driver

Clonezilla is a great open source means to capture and restore system images and it works very well.  However, like all boot disks, you may run into issues if you boot from Clonezilla on a laptop or desktop that has a non-mainstream network card installed.  However, there is an easy way to most likely get …

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How to install the latest software updates Ubuntu 13.04

Keeping your software up to date in your Ubuntu 13.04 installation is important for stability and security reasons.  It is very painless to do in Ubuntu 13.04 either from using the builtin GUI software updater or by using the command line in a terminal session. To find your software updates in Ubuntu using the GUI …

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When will the Google Drive Linux client be released

As of late, many are wondering just where the Linux client for Google Drive is?  End users have been patiently waiting on Google to release the Google Drive client as there already are clients for Windows, Apple, and Android devices.  One would assume that a Linux client would make sense for Google.  After all it …

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Install the coolest Ubuntu terminal software – Guake

If you want to have a really cool and highly customizable terminal installed in your Ubuntu distribution, look no further than Guake!  Guake was inspired by the console pop up behavior of popular old school LAN games like Quake which has the console feature that pops down.  Simply by selecting the terminal from your application …

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