Exchange Archives - Fresh Virtuals
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Exchange 2010 SP1 address lists not displaying correctly

In working in a client’s environment with Exchange 2010 SP1 after a mostly successful migration from Exchange 2003, the client had issues with users who were showing up in particular address lists that they should not have been included in according to the Exchange server.  When the client would preview their address list in the …

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Moving Exchange 2010 mailboxes from child domain to parent domain

Recently, working on a project that involved moving exchange 2010 mailboxes from child domain to parent domain, I wanted to document the process involved.  This process was actually twofold as it involved upgrading a client’s email from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010.  Then, as the environment was messy we were dealing with a resource forest …

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How to add additional mailboxes to Outlook 2010

You may have the need to add additional mailboxes in Outlook 2010.  To make this happen there are a few things that need to be verified, but these are not difficult at all.  The first thing is to make sure your system administrator has granted appropriate permissions to the mailbox that you intend to mount …

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How to allow a user to open another user’s mailbox Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2003

If you want to add someone else’s inbox in Outlook 2010, this is easily accomplished.  There are just a few steps that need to be taken both my the system administrator and you if you are handling your Outlook settings. The first thing that needs to be taken care of is making sure you have …

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Apple releases IOS 6.1.2 to patch Exchange Calendar bug

Apple has been scrambling to quickly release a fix to the IOS 6.1 bug which causes excessive network traffic to and from the Exchange server as well as excessive battery drain on the IOS device.  The bug shows up when a user creates an exception to a calendar item.  By definition this involves changing a …

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Microsoft Exchange You do not have permission to send to this recipient

This is one of those nagging undeliverable messages that can cause much heartburn for a messaging administrator as the problem can be several different things.  However, we want to highlight a seemingly non intuitive reason for this error be received by the end user.  The wording of the undeliverable message back to the end user …

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Installing Exchange 2013 in Windows Server 2008 R2 step by step

Microsoft messaging administrators everywhere always look forward to the next version of Microsoft Exchange as it usually brings many desired improvements and other benefits to organizations running Microsoft’s messaging platform.  With the announcement of Exchange 2013, we wondered what improvements would be made and what we would be able to do as administrators with the …

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Renaming a Hosted Exchange User Account FIM 2010

If you manage a hosted exchange environment and are syncing that environment with your on premises FIM 2010 server, there may come a time when you need to rename a user account.  If you manage an AD environment of any size you will know that name changes happen often with marriage, divorce, and other life …

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Troubleshooting Exchange Activesync Connection on a Smartphone

Activesync is a great way to sync most smartphones these days with your Exchange environment, however, this can be a double edged sword as connection problems with Exchange Activesync can be VERY frustrating, especially if you don’t know where to look for issues.  There are a couple of minor problems that can come up which …

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How to get a listing of ActiveSync Devices in Live@Edu

In administering your Live@Edu environment, one of the things that you may want or need to do is list all the users that have paired ActiveSync devices to their Live@Edu mailbox environment.  As many who have administered Live@Edu environments or Hosted Exchange will tell you, many of the Exchange commands or scripts that we may …

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