vSphere 7

VMware vSphere 7 Release Date

Update – New information below

New Post here. It has been officially announced! See the post for the official release date – VMware vSphere 7 Announced New Features and Benefits

There is no shortage of rumblings from the community and VMware vSphere customers and users about the next vSphere release. Especially after the VMworld US and Europe events, VMware has introduced a wide range of new technologies and features that are in “preview” and not really slated with a current release date. Many of these features will no doubt make their way into vSphere at the time of the VMware vSphere 7 release date. Let’s take a quick overview look at the VMware vSphere 7 release date, what we know so far, and what features may find their way into the vSphere 7 release.

vSphere 7 Release Date When?

As you have no doubt seen across the Internet so far, before VMworld, many were assuming a new version of vSphere (vSphere 7) would be announced at one of the VMworld events, either US or Europe and this announcement would be vSphere 7.

VMware vSphere 7 release date

However, as both VMworld events have come and gone, neither of the events saw the official announcement of vSphere 7 released to the data enter masses, but rather just a slew of features were shown and demonstrated that will no doubt find their way to this release.

It will be interesting to see the vSphere 7 release date when it is announced, however, as we obviously know, it will not happen until next year at this point. Will it be before VMworld 2020? Only time will tell, however, I suspect it will be.

VMware vSphere 7 Features

The next question that most are asking is what features will be included in VMware vSphere 7? There are many that we will no doubt find included with vSphere 7.

vSphere 7 ARM

One of the features that has been publicly debuted on ESXi 7 is the new ESXi on ARM functionality.

In fact, take a look at this YouTube video of the booth showing ESXi 7 running on ARM hardware (Raspberry Pi).