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RSS Channel: Comments on: Windows 10 Edge can’t be opened using the built-in administrator account
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By: ????? ???µa
In reply to <a href="https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2015/07/windows-10-edge-opened-builtin-administrator-account/#comment-7588">Elliander Eldridge</a>. Not correct, after initial setup there should be two administrator accounts in your windows 10 PC. During a new installation of Win10 you will be asked to create an account. That account is by design an "administrator" account. There is also a user profile (account) called "Administrator" that pre-exists the one you created but it is not enabled by default. The first thing you should after logging in with your new account is go to computer/manage/users and enable and assign a password to the default Administrator account.

By: daniloperetti
Oh, you saved my day! Thanks! RSS assigned!

By: Michael Blanton
In reply to <a href="https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2015/07/windows-10-edge-opened-builtin-administrator-account/#comment-7588">Elliander Eldridge</a>. with only one account and on a computer you need an admin. that one account is then labled as an administrator account. I have the same problem

By: AdamBoy64
With Windows 10 Pro, I find that I can run Microsoft Edge under an Administrator account... with UAC half-on. That is, the UAC slider is set down to the bottom (to off), but I have the 'EnableLUA' key set to 1. That is, I found that setting 'User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode' to enabled worked. This setting might work for you - but as UAC is not disabled completely, it may not be sufficient. Perhaps it's worth a go. I'm on version 1607 (OS Build 14393.693), for reference.

By: juan
In reply to <a href="https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2015/07/windows-10-edge-opened-builtin-administrator-account/#comment-7587">Bearded4Life</a>. Windows 10 Pro X64 10.0.10586

By: Elliander Eldridge
In reply to <a href="https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2015/07/windows-10-edge-opened-builtin-administrator-account/#comment-7586">Bearded4Life</a>. No. The computer has only one account in total, which was created when Windows 10 was installed fresh on this machine. No second user account, no second administrator, and not updated from a previous version of windows. Also not a free version either! I actually need professional features for work. I had to do some major work to restore my ability to use anything that was an app, even a simple calculator, but some apps just don't work anymore and I had to uninstall them. One of the problems is that during an update, old preferences and user settings are completely reset, and since updates happen without any warning or permission it can get really annoying really fast. So, for example, if you like opening the video file with a certain editor Microsoft will change the default to their own editor following an update without your permission. That's still a minor problem in comparison and I had to make a few registry changes as well though. The information here was ultimately useful, but not the only thing I had to do. Apparently the security settings being reset is another big part of the problem so I had to change all my security settings in addition to making registry edits. Still not as good as it was before the update, but better. I think I'm going to redo my computer using Unix as the main system and running Windows 10 as a virtual machine so I can restore from a mess like this more easily since Microsoft it does not seem to care what their users actually want. I wouldn't want to deal with the mess of helping users restore access to a Microsoft app if I develop that way. It's not worth whatever I might get by selling in their store.

By: Bearded4Life
In reply to <a href="https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2015/07/windows-10-edge-opened-builtin-administrator-account/#comment-7570">juan</a>. What version of Win10 are you running?

By: Bearded4Life
In reply to <a href="https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2015/07/windows-10-edge-opened-builtin-administrator-account/#comment-7541">Elliander Eldridge</a>. Just to clarify, cause I'm curious, You have an admin account and then you created another admin account. The second one lost the admin ability?

By: Richard
In reply to <a href="https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2015/07/windows-10-edge-opened-builtin-administrator-account/#comment-7582">Richard</a>. It worked! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8dc96188847d0bb85b79f06de76ac8a93c4f54022c967758fe928187dc49c5cc.jpg

By: Richard
In reply to <a href="https://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2015/07/windows-10-edge-opened-builtin-administrator-account/#comment-7497">Hamura Otsutsuki32</a>. The slider option does not always work. It certainly isn't working for me. I'm literally about to restart to test their 2nd method.