
Asus releases Windows 8 Transformer

Well, we all knew that it would happen. We just didn’t know when. The Asus rumor mill has been working feverishly over the past few weeks about the Windows 8 Transformer, specs, and a potential release date. It looks like the word now is official. The new Asus Transformer is slightly larger in size and boasts a full blown x86 processor in the Core i3/i5/i7 variety. Asus is definitely going for the power user here by their choice of processor and also graphics which is said to sport a next generation nVidia chip. Resolution is the full HD IPS (1920×1080) resolution that is to be found on the Asus flagship Android tablet – the Infinity 700. What makes the Transformer great and what has continually captured everyone’s attention is the ability to add the keyboard dock. The “Trasformer Book” as this tab is called, is no exception to the Transformer line here. The keyboard dock effectively turns this tablet into a netbook or Ultrabook variety device. Other choices include:

  • SSD or HDD
  • 4GB memory or less
  • Webcam
  • Micro-HDMI
  • USB port
  • Wifi
  • Bluetooth

One of the concerns from the specs of this new tablet, is the battery life. We all know that the Transformer tabs from Asus in general have amazing battery life. However, many are speculating with this tablet, especially with the specs that have been announced, is not going to be for those who want to spend a lot of time away from an electrical plug. To fit all of the hardware that is contained in this Windows 8 tab, some room for battery had to be eliminated. Pricing has only been speculated, but it seems as though the tablet will be of the discrete top of the line variety and will most definitely set you back a pretty penny. Asus continues to push the envelope in engineering really great tablets that continually raise the bar both in the Android world and now Windows.
